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My passion and mission is to help people to achieve health, wellness and balance through Reconnective Healing.

~Cheryl Cann


What is Reconnective Healing®?


Reconnective Healing® is energy healing that helps clients return to an optimal state of balance, wholeness, wellness, and vitality. 


Healing Session Information

Clients remain fully clothed (without shoes) during the Reconnective Healing session.  It is best to wear comfortable clothing to enhance relaxation.  Clients rest face-up on a padded massage table.  Sessions typically last 30 minutes in length, with time to debrief after the session.  Sessions are done in the client's energy field, not hands on.


What are the benefits of Reconnective Healing?


Reconnective Healing can greatly enhance and improve all aspects of your life- health, career, relationships, abundance and much more.


How Often Should a Client Receive Reconnective Healing Sessions?


Everyone's experience with Reconnective Healing® is unique.  It is suggested that you receive one to three Reconnective Healing sessions and then allow your experience to unfold.  Healings can come in all forms.  The optimal way to allow for a healing is to proceed in a state of openness, without specific expectations or attachment to results.


Reconnective Healing has been scientifically shown to:

  • restructure damaged DNA

  • effectively restore range of motion

  • support athletic peak performance​       


*Scientific studies are available at 

To Book a Session:

Sessions are available by appointment at the Health Hub on Highway #3 in Coleman. To book an appointment at the Health Hub, call 403-563-3334 or call Cheryl directly at 403-563-8115.  To book a distance session, call 403-563-8115.

Reconnective Healing® is not a replacement for medical treatment.

In-person and distance Reconnective Healing sessions are $75.00. 


"My focus heading into my first Reconnective Healing session was towards physical healing, improved mental focus and attracting abundance.  I was blown away by the tangible effects that the healing had on my body.  I could feel myself vibrating on a different level; amazing after just 30 minutes!  This transformed my day, and by extension, my week.  I have been happier, more focused, and this has led me to come up with amazing ideas to improve my abundance.  I believe that this has also sped up my healing of a physical ailment.  I would highly recommend 3 sessions of Reconnective Healing, as I could feel my body attuning to the energy more efficiently each time.  Thank you for your fabulous work, Cheryl!"

B.C. Crowsnest Pass, December 16, 2017


"For 9 years I had a lump on my thyroid, approximately the size of an Adam's Apple which the doctors felt had the potential to develop into cancer.  Cheryl did a direct  (in person) Reconnective Healing in October 2017, followed by two distance healings approximately 2 weeks apart.  During the 3rd healing, I felt a tingling which started at my feet and traveled up my body, exiting through my head.  Two weeks after the third healing, the lump was completely gone, and has not reappeared after 8 months.  I owe you big time, Cheryl!  Thanks!"

Dan Gerardy, Winnipeg Manitoba, June 30th, 2018

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